Cities In Motion Full - SOFSHARE


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Sabtu, 25 Februari 2012

Cities In Motion Full

Satu lagi nih game seru bagi yang suka game-game simulasi,di game ini kita akan membangun berbagai fasilitas kota,seperti fasilitas transportasi bus,kereta dan sebagainya,jadi yang ingin merasakn bagai mana menariknya mengatur sebuah kota,check this game out :

Minimum System Requirements:
System: Microsoft Windows XP (SP2) / Vista / 7
Processor: Dual Core with 2 GHz or better
Memory: 2 GB
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8800/ATI Radeon HD 3850 with 512 MB VRAM or better
Sound Card: DirectX compatible
Hard disk: 2 GB

Screen Shoot :

Link Download (idws)
Download Cities In Motion Full(571MB)

credit & thanks to uploader : mrlemonade @idws

Explore four different cities: Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam
Engage in a campaign with 12 scenarios, as well as a sandbox mode where all campaign cities are playable
Experience realistic 3D graphics with more than 100 unique, highly detailed buildings
Use the advanced map editor to create your own cities
Immerse yourself in an advanced economic simulator as you struggle with banks and shifting economic trends
Play through 100 years of transportation history throughout four eras, spanning from 1920 to 2020
Choose between more than 30 different vehicles based on real-life models of buses, trams, water buses, helicopters, and subways, complete with an underground view
Meet residents’ travel needs as 7 different social groups exhibit different passenger behaviors
Experience a real-time city and traffic simulator as each location's bustling population commutes between their homes, jobs, and leisure sites.

13 komentar:

  1. ane udah donlot ni game..
    cara installnya gmana gan??
    kok isi cuma 3 file (notepad, bin, cue)
    ga ada file .exe
    mohon pencerahannya..

  2. itu diinstalnya pake ultra iso bro,kalau belum punya bisa di download disini :
    nah setelah itu,klik kanan di file .bin
    dan pilih ultra iso,mount to drive

  3. oh gitu ya..
    makasi nih bro..
    sukses selalu..

  4. max bro , mohon pencerahan. setelah ane instal mao main setelah loading logo trus sunyi senyap ilang. apa ada yang kurang yak. nuhun. sukses sll mak bro

  5. diperjelas lagi bro,jadi itu pas main terus tiba-tiba keluar,atau muncul tulisan?

  6. gan mohon pencerahanya nih
    ane uda download kok waktu maen jd lag bgt ya?
    gambar kotanya jd hitam putih trs kursor nya susah bgt di gerakin nge lag gitu
    padahal sistem requirement nya ud memadahi
    thx sebelumnya gan :D

  7. coba update directx9 nya,terus pake game booster gan

  8. wah cara update directx9 nya gmn gan?
    tolong di bantu dong kan
    ane gaptek soalnya :(

  9. baca di software-software pendukung,lihat dibagian tips

  10. gan ane udah download.
    pas d jalanin malah g muncul apa"
    mohon bantuanya kenapa ini gan?

  11. bisa di perjelas lagi gan ga bisanya,masa ga muncul pesan apapun?

  12. oh mungkin min kayaknya yg di atas itu ga muncul apa apa memang sy juga dah nyobain di xp dan ternyata memang ga muncul apa apa tapi pas di cobain di laptop bisa

  13. @atas ,, vga kamu ga kuat ,, jangan main di laptop .


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