Game Gain 2 Full Patch - Makes Game Run Faster - SOFSHARE


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Minggu, 10 Maret 2013

Game Gain 2 Full Patch - Makes Game Run Faster

Buat sobat gamers ada software bagus nih untuk meningkatkan performa game yang sobat mainkan,dengan game gain 2 ini pc sobat akan di optimize agar bisa meningkatkan performanya saat bermain game,jadi masalah sering ngelag saat ngegame semoga bisa teratasi dengan software ini.

Link Download :

Download Game Gain 2 Full Patch (1,5MB)

  • Compatible with Microsoft Windows 7, Vista, XP & Windows Server 2008, 2003. 32-BIT/64-BIT ready.
  • Optimizes your computer hardware to allow the latest games to run faster with the highest graphic settings possible.
  • Decreases the amount of lag and screen pop-in you get playing games that require large map files to load during game play.
  • Increase the frames per second that is displayed allowing games to play much smoother and increase your enjoyment of these games.
  • Deep system analyzer and diagnostic feature which attempts to find and repair any potential problems with the computer affecting its performance.
  • Advanced software based over-clocking feature which enhances memory speed, CPU prioritization of full screen applications, making games run faster.
  • Changes are made to the Windows system directly not patches to game files; this prevents anti-cheat systems from accusing you of game modification.
  • Constant updates to the software add new performance tweaks to allow you to take advantage of improvements that your system is capable of.
  • 4 komentar:

    1. Bagus Nih Sob :)

      Visit :

    2. Wah, mantap nih gan..
      PC ane emang sering nge-lag kalo main game..

      Thanks for sharing....

    3. Mau nanya nih gan..
      Kira2 ada ga efek negatifnya kalo pake software game booster yg beginian ?
      Ane pake laptop gan..

    4. sofware ini apa bedanya dgn game booster.??


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