Game bergenre Historycal real time strategy ini sebenarnya game cukup jadul sih,tapi berhubung ada yang request dari si agan ane share disini ;D,saya belum coba game ini,tapi menurut review yang udah nyoba filenya berjalan lancar qo,jadi yang suka dengan game real time strategy,silakan coba game ini ,oh iya berhubung ini game agak jadul dan link yang dishare mediafire,jadi yang suka game ini buruan download sebelum dihapus sama mediafire ;):
review :
Port Royale 2 takes you back to the beginning of the 17th century, when the great colonial powers were competing for control of the Caribbean and when towns could rapidly expand (and collapse again) over a short period of time.
Game features:
* Compete against 4 nations: English, French, Spanish and Dutch
* All new pirate ports, viceroy towns and player towns
* Construct production facilities, purchase opponent's buildings and create cartels
* Expand your empire through missions, wealth, land and notoriety
* Conquer the Caribbean: attack towns, traders, buccaneers, pirates and pirate hideouts
* 8 distinctive scenarios with intuitive tutorials
* Unlimited gameplay with open-ended game mode.
Minimum system requirements:
* Windows XP or Windows Vista
* 1 GHz Processor (1.4 GHz recommended)
* 512MB RAM (1 GB recommended)
* 3D graphics card compatible with DirectX 7 (compatible with DirectX 9 recommended)
* Mouse, Keyboard
Screenshoot :
Link Download :
Download Port Royal2 (758MB)
kalau link tiba-tiba wafat,info please.. :)
cara instal :
1. Unrar.
2. Burn or mount with Daemon Tools
3. Install the game
4. Run the updater located in the /Crack dir on the cd
5. Copy over the cracked executable located in the /Crack dir on the cd
6. Play the game
bro ini udah d mount pas d klik setup kok tulisannya windows cannot access sih? udah pake admin juga.... mohon bantuannya ya...
BalasHapusagan pake windows apa & berapa bit ?
BalasHapuscoba agan instal di PC lain,biar ketauan problemnya ada di PC agan atau diinstalan ;)
Link'a wafat bro,..
BalasHapuslink udah di perbaiki,thanks infonya
BalasHapusg bis dipake kk. cracknya g jalan.
BalasHapusmasa sih,ini udah di test work qo cracknya,pas di crack ada tulisan overwrite ga?
BalasHapusudah bisa kk. maaf ternyata file updatenya belum ane pencet :D. sekali lagi maaf kk :)
BalasHapuspas pencet updatenya muncul "incorrect version fo the game". Mohon pencerahannya, gan...
BalasHapuscoba uninstal,terus instal lagi,
BalasHapusdan jalankan updaternya dulu,sebelum copy crack
It worked, gan! Thx a lot...
BalasHapusBos, ini klo pake window 7 bisa??
BalasHapuslink wafat bro.?
BalasHapuslink nya WAFAT
BalasHapuskog gag add yg tanggu jawab ea...??
BalasHapuspadahal td add tulisannya klo link.x wafat harap komen...
eh malah gag di repair...!!!
huft... gmna c..
linknya dah wafat bro
BalasHapusshare yang baru pliss